In MS SQL 2005 and later editions, a much better way has been provided to remove duplicate records smartly, while having full control of which records to remove. It can be accomplished by using the ROW_NUMBER() which will return a number of row within a partition of a result set.
You are an owner of a small or medium size company, and you need to select ERP software to run your business. You are confused between the large availability of ERP software packages. How do you select the right one for your business, and how do you find one you can afford?
Do you know that you can compress data while using MS SQL 2008 or any later version? Compression is available for now in SQL Server 2008 or 2012 Enterprise and Developer edition.
If you are a typical stakeholder of a small or medium size business, you probably prefer to invest in assets that contribute directly to the growth and revenue of your business (for example, tools for making your product, machines to expand capacity, people to design and sell your product, etc.). You know that information technology and business software is important, but you...
When people need to connect publically, those individuals are taking the risk of outside attacks on your server. A year and half ago I noticed that 2 hackers are trying to get into my MS SQL 2008 server via the SA account.
The idea is to perform data cleansing on the Date and Time field from different formats into a unify format such as: YYYYMMDD. Here is a sample data to be used for the data cleansing that I will perform below...
SQL 2012 or higher - Processing hundreds of millions records can be done in less than an hour. Processing hundreds of millions of records requires a different strategy and the implementation should be different compared to smaller tables with only several millions of records.